Discovering Oneself - The Larger Picture

You are the son or daughter, you are the father or a mother, you are the friend; the entrepreneur; the boss or an employee. You are also the artist, the dreamer and many other roles that you take.

You are the angry person, you have also been the kind one, you can be as carefree as a child, while mostly you are the adult. You know to forgive but sometimes you are so hurt, you just don’t want to let go. In some areas of life, you know what you are and what you want exactly, But in others, you feel absolutely confused and directionless.

As you feel these opposite emotions; play these very different roles; switch between these different responsibilities, you may sometimes lose the larger perspective of yourself, and find yourself lost – not quite knowing what you want to do, who you are or what direction you want to take.

Rediscovering yourself happens when you reconnect with a bigger picture of yourself.

It is to realize that ‘You’ are a sum of all these experiences; these identities. It is to see that ‘You’ have always been much more than just these roles you are playing or these momentary emotions flowing through you.

‘You’ are uniquely ‘yourself’ with your life experiences, your tendencies, biases, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and your abilities.

Knowing and understanding this, helps you embrace all that you are and discover everything you could be. You may discover a new direction or a purpose, find the real growth you need to focus on or move from a state of discontent to one of a fresh appreciation of yourself.

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