On Meditation

How do we understand meditation? Meditation in general is seen as a tool to focus or calm one’s mind and find some stress release and clarity. But, when I read Eknath Eshwaran’s words in the Dhammapada, it spoke to me greatly in terms of understanding the depth and purpose of meditation and how it can reshape our whole being.

“The method for training the mind is meditation. One way to visualize what happens in meditation is to think of the raw stuff of consciousness as clay, shaped on the potter’s wheel of the mind. The shapes this clay has taken – strong desires, fears, attitudes, and aspirations, every habitual way of thinking – determine a person’s behavior. Meditation slowly allows access to a level of awareness where these rigid shapes can be softened and made pliable again, until finally consciousness becomes like amorphous clay. Then the mind has no habits. It rests in its native state – calm, clear, adaptable, and endlessly responsive. Action then is no longer a matter of stimulus and response; it becomes unconditioned, spontaneous, and free”.
How does this view resonate with you? What have you discovered in your meditation practices?

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