Free Webinar this June

In partnership with Lime Wood, UK

Webinar with Rajesh Ramani

3 Proven Ways to Reduce Overthinking

Date: Tuesday, 4th June 2024

Time: 2pm (UK time)

Duration: 30 minutes

Claim your FREE spot now!

Does your mind ever feel stuck on repeat, replaying worries and anxieties? You’re not alone. Overthinking can be a real burden. But what if there were ways to break free from those mental cycles and achieve greater peace of mind?

In this webinar, we’ll explore 3 proven techniques to help you reduce overthinking and take control of your thoughts. Join us and discover how to silence the inner critic, focus on the present, and live a more fulfilling life.

Webinar 1 with Rajesh Ramani

3 Proven Ways to Reduce Overthinking

Date: Saturday, 6th April 2024

Time: 3pm (IST)

Duration: 30 minutes

Does your mind ever feel stuck on repeat, replaying worries and anxieties? You’re not alone. Overthinking can be a real burden. But what if there were ways to break free from those mental cycles and achieve greater peace of mind?

In this webinar, we’ll explore 3 proven techniques to help you reduce overthinking and take control of your thoughts. Join us and discover how to silence the inner critic, focus on the present, and live a more fulfilling life.

Claim your FREE spot now!

Webinar 2 with Smitha Jayakumar

Why are Stress Relief Techniques Difficult to Sustain?

Date: Friday, 12th April 2024

Time: 6pm (IST)

Duration: 30 minutes

We all know the struggle. You try meditation, deep breathing, maybe even yoga – all to combat stress. But then life gets busy, and those practices fall by the wayside. Why is it so hard to stick with stress relief techniques?

This webinar dives deep into the reasons why maintaining healthy habits for stress management can be challenging. We’ll explore common obstacles and equip you with strategies to overcome them, so you can finally find lasting relief from stress.

Claim your FREE spot now!

Meet Your Webinar Instructor

Rajesh Ramani - Co-founders of Mindfulness and Beyond

Rajesh Ramani

Rajesh Ramani is an internationally sought-after mentor, teacher and retreat facilitator. Over the past two decades, he’s led retreats on emotional and spiritual transformation, facilitated a variety of mind-body wellness programs and run leadership seminars across the world.

Rajesh’s approach is influenced by his background as a banker-turned-monk. He has nearly three decades of meditation and Eastern philosophical training, including 13 years embracing a monastic life as a spiritual teacher at the Oneness University, India. He’s also an International Coach Federation (ICF) registered ontological coach.

Among his many international residencies, Rajesh was previously based at Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary in Thailand, where he worked as a teacher, mentor and life coach for 10 years. In this role, he consulted with clients from around the world, focusing on personal growth, relationship enhancement and emotional balance. He has also worked with Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and Chief Executive Organizations (CEO) and Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) chapters across Asia and Europe.

In 2018, Rajesh and his life partner, Smitha Jayakumar, co-founded ‘New Insight Retreats’ – a platform for mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. They run retreats in Europe and Asia, sharing spiritual principles, mind-body practices and transformative tools that can be used in daily life.

In 2019, Rajesh established the ‘Responsible Leadership Institute’ alongside a consortium of business economists, natural and social scientists, engineers, governance and spiritual scholars. Offering a range of holistic training programs and retreats that mindfully integrate work and life, this vanguard initiative seeks to build a holistic bridge between science and spirituality in the leadership sphere.

Rajesh is currently working on his upcoming book.

Rajesh Ramani and Smitha Jayakumar - Founders of Mindfulness and Beyond

Smitha Jayakumar

Smitha Jayakumar is a personal mentor, counsellor and teacher with more than 20 years of experience. Working with individuals and groups, she conducts therapies, workshops and retreats that support mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Her spiritual journey began in her 20s when she practiced as a monk in the Hindu tradition for 10 years. This profound experience molded and inspired her approach to her life and work. She spent the next decade in the wellness field as a ‘Life Enhancement’ mentor at Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary in Thailand where she guided people through life changes, relationship enhancement, emotional balance and self-acceptance.

With an intrinsic understanding of the mind-body-emotion dynamics, Smitha creates sustainable strategies to manage stressful situations, improve a heartful connection with oneself and others, and encourage a positive mindset shift. She is a certified teacher with Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB^™), which combines ancient Buddhist practices with contemporary psychological tools.

A student of the Krishnamachari Tradition of yoga, her therapies are also grounded in holistic practices such as conscious breathing and meditation, to strengthen all areas of human behavior.

Smitha believes, “Awareness is the beginning, the end and the power of every process of transformation.” She fosters a space for self-awareness and self-exploration, facilitating personal transformation through integrated therapies.

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